Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hey Fam,

In this day in age, nothing seems to make sense.  The wicked prosper and the good guy (or gal) seems to always lose.  How can there be a God of love in Heaven, when all this crap is going on right here, right now?  This is what this blog is for.  Open discussions about who God is, if God is, and where God is.  Holla Back.


Lora said...

Hey, it does seem like that. We are not the first to feel that way either, read Psalm 73.

Blanch said...

Well I think people are missing the big picture here, even though bad things happen at least God is there to help us through it, that might not mean he will take us OUT of the situation just carry us through, if he didnt he wouldnt have sent his son to die for us. Part of free will is the ability to keep faith in something even when its hard or near impossible. God scarificed part of himself for us the least we can do is love him even when its hard.